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The number of people with temporary jobs has increased since the last recession and it looks like that trend is going to continue through 2014. More than 2.9 million workers in the U.S. were employed in temporary jobs in 2013, a 28 percent increase since 2010 and increasing faster than the five percent growth rate for all jobs according to a March 2014 study from CareerBuilder and Economic Modeling Specialists International (EMSI).
The study, which pulled data from over 90 national and state employment resources, compiled a list of the fastest growing occupations and metropolitan areas (MSAs) for temporary employment in 2014.
Occupations that pay in the middle-to-high wage range and are expected to see the greatest increase in temporary jobs include:
Additionally, in a separate CareerBuilder and Harris Poll study, 42 percent of employers said they planned to hire temporary staff up from 40 percent last year. Of these employers 43 percent said they plan to transition some temporary staff to full-time, permanent staff.
“Coming off of a hard-hitting recession, companies want more flexibility in their workforce to quickly ramp up and ramp down their businesses as needed. Temporary workers provide that flexibility,” said Eric Gilpin, president of CareerBuilder’s Staffing & Recruiting Group. “Temporary employment is growing across industries and metros, and providing great opportunities for workers to test-drive different work experiences and network with employers.”
According to the CareerBuilder/EMSI study, the MSAs that employed at least 20,000 temporary employees in 2013 and are expected to have the greatest percentage increase in temporary jobs in 2014 are:
For more details on this study visit CareerBuilder.
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