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Mom stories, tales from the trenches They don’t warn you about little girls. They warn you about toddlers, don’t they? The “terrible twos,” they call them. Willfulness and tantrums and…
Deciding where you are, what you want, and how to get there One of the most common questions I hear from stay-at-home moms and working moms alike is this: “I’d…
Once you have a plan to show you where you’re going, how do you know when you get there? By now, there will probably be certain people who will have…
Nobody is going to buy from you if you can’t address the “What’s in it for me?” question Once you’ve got your sales personality all polished up and ready to…
Those who provide their time and expertise in the form of service businesses have some unique financial management issues To a degree, those of us who are service providers or…
Sales is a part of every small business, if your own prejudices are getting in the way of sales, your thinking needs adjusting People hate salesmen. They hate them almost…
It feels awful enough to make you fold the business and walk away, but get over that final hump and you know your business has finally arrived The Wall. We’ve…
There’s lots of talk about it, but how many of us really do it? Are you ready to take the mentoring plunge? I’ve been hearing about women in business mentoring…
When you have reached your goals, no matter how modest they are, then you can consider yourself a business success — no matter what “they” say Most of us, whether…
Zoning laws may be prohibitive, but thanks to telecommuting, there’s no reason you can’t hire help when you need it One of the conclusions drawn from the Pratt study of…