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Ok, you’re ready to start your skills assessment. Begin by making a list of your skills. Write down everything you are good at. Use this list to decide which skills you’re best at and which you want to use in your next position.
Now, make a top ten list of your abilities. These are the skills you should keep in mind when choosing a career. They are also the ones you should highlight on your resume. Select three to five of these skills to emphasize during any job interviews. Have a concrete example of each prepared.
Use the following Career Skills Worksheet to help generate ideas for your initial list. Add any skills you have, which are not listed here. Here skills are categorized as Innate , Transferable and Job-Specific skills. Many skills fall into more than one category. Organizing, for example, can be considered an Innate and Transferable skill. You decide.
Innate Skills
Accept criticism | Adaptable | Ambitious |
Assertive | Competent | Confident |
Conscientious | Creative | Dependable |
Diplomatic | Easy-going | Efficient |
Energetic | Enthusiastic | Flexible |
Friendly | Helpful | Honest |
Intelligent | Loyal | Motivated |
Open-minded | Organized | Patient |
Persistent | Problem-solver | Productive |
Punctual | Quick learner | Rarely absent |
Reliable | Resourceful | Responsible |
Take direction | Tenacious | Trustworthy |
Understanding | Versatile | Intuitive |
Transferable Skills
Accept responsibility | Analyze data | Articulate speaker |
Assessing others | Compile information | Counseling others |
Creative | Customer/client service | Delegate duties |
Develop goals | Develop relationships | Edit materials |
Evaluate ideas | Friendly | Get results |
Good listener | Instruct others | Interview/hire people |
Logical thinker | Manage a budget | Manage projects |
Mediate | Meet deadlines | Mentor others |
Motivate others | Negotiate agreements | Organizing data |
Plan events | Public speaking | Research information |
Run meetings | Sell ideas/products | Strong, clear writer |
Job Specific Skills
Job-specific skills generally are those considered specific to an occupation. When asked to name their skills, these often are the abilities people think of first. They include things like computer programming, flying a plane, using industry-specific software applications, operating a video camera and typing a certain number of words per minute. Create your list based on your past experience and any skills specific to the job you are seeking. For example, using graphic-design software or operating an X-ray machine.
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