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Organizations to help you with your business and career Women’s organizations can be a great source of information and networking opportunities. Following is a list of several national business organizations,…
Sales is a part of every small business, if your own prejudices are getting in the way of sales, your thinking needs adjusting People hate salesmen. They hate them almost…
Before you decide to work at home you need to consider your daily schedule So you’ve made the decision to work at home. Congratulations — You’re about to join a…
Questions to answer before starting a small business Starting and managing a business takes motivation, desire and talent. It also takes research and planning. We have prepared a checklist to…
It feels awful enough to make you fold the business and walk away, but get over that final hump and you know your business has finally arrived The Wall. We’ve…
There’s lots of talk about it, but how many of us really do it? Are you ready to take the mentoring plunge? I’ve been hearing about women in business mentoring…
When you have reached your goals, no matter how modest they are, then you can consider yourself a business success — no matter what “they” say Most of us, whether…
Zoning laws may be prohibitive, but thanks to telecommuting, there’s no reason you can’t hire help when you need it One of the conclusions drawn from the Pratt study of…
You can let your business grow as much as it wants, and still keep it at home, but you need to make the choice The thread on the email discussion…
Sometimes, small businesses fail. Would you have to strength to pick yourself up and try it again? Most small businesses fail. I bet you’ve heard that before. And different sets…