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Home » Archives by category » Small Business Services » Planning



Interview with Judith McQuown author of INC. YOURSELF Starting and running a small business isn’t easy. But, it’s easier when you have someone to guide you along the way. Recently,…

Choosing Your Home-Based Business

Choosing Your Home-Based Business

Deciding where you are, what you want, and how to get there One of the most common questions I hear from stay-at-home moms and working moms alike is this: “I’d…

When You Get There: Business Funding

When You Get There: Business Funding

Once you have a plan to show you where you’re going, how do you know when you get there? By now, there will probably be certain people who will have…

Sell Value, Not Time, When It Comes To Pricing

Sell Value, Not Time, When It Comes To Pricing

Quick shouldn’t necessarily mean inexpensive As a young adult, I had my wisdom teeth removed by an oral surgeon. When I received the bill, I was shocked at the cost;…

Creating Your Professional Image On The Internet

Creating Your Professional Image On The Internet

Nine things that will give you credibility online There are many types of professionals on the Internet. Business consultants, writers, web designers, software developers, the list goes on and on.…

Financial Management 101: Special Issues Of Service Providers

Financial Management 101: Special Issues Of Service Providers

Those who provide their time and expertise in the form of service businesses have some unique financial management issues To a degree, those of us who are service providers or…

“Do You Have The Time?”

Before you decide to work at home you need to consider your daily schedule So you’ve made the decision to work at home. Congratulations — You’re about to join a…

Checklist For Starting A Small Business

Checklist For Starting A Small Business

Questions to answer before starting a small business Starting and managing a business takes motivation, desire and talent. It also takes research and planning. We have prepared a checklist to…

Hitting The Wall

Hitting The Wall

It feels awful enough to make you fold the business and walk away, but get over that final hump and you know your business has finally arrived The Wall. We’ve…

Being A Mentor: Are You Ready?

Being A Mentor: Are You Ready?

There’s lots of talk about it, but how many of us really do it? Are you ready to take the mentoring plunge? I’ve been hearing about women in business mentoring…

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