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Six ways to say no to a new job or promotion You’ve gone through the interviews and gotten the job offer. Generally, congratulations would be in order. But what happens…
How you can make social media work for you It’s well known that people have been fired over posts on social media. It made national news when Gilbert Gottfried was…
Eight recruiters and HR pros share a few “secrets” you’ll probably never hear There’s no doubt about it, looking for a job isn’t easy. One of the most difficult things…
CareerBuilder survey indicates employers are swayed by favorable findings online If you’re looking for a job your social media presence is fair game. Today 51 percent of employers are researching…
Business cards are a great little marketing tool Whenever I speak to a group of jobseekers the first question I ask is “How many of you have a resume?” Almost…
Why you need to speak more than one language The demand in multilingual skills for global leadership candidates is increasing, with approximately 14 percent of “high-performing global companies” saying they…
Hiring is expected to remain steady across most industries says CareerBuilder While overall hiring is expected to remain on a steady course in the U.S. some industries, like manufacturing, are…
Study reports that temporary employment will increase The number of people with temporary jobs has increased since the last recession and it looks like that trend is going to continue…
There are countless reasons why recruiters don’t call, here are six common ones Looking for a job is a job. It’s time-consuming and often frustrating. You can spend weeks or…
Top LinkedIn tips from career experts If you’re gearing up for a job search, don’t forget to use LinkedIn. Most recruiters— and a wide range of other career experts—agree that…