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Wondering what’s new about you? Type your name into Google or Yahoo and see what comes up. Termed “ego surfing,” it has gone mainstream as CEO’s, corporate communication departments and executives are using the Internet to follow what is being said about them, their companies and their competitors. Termed CEegO surfing when the CEO does the search, businesses are discovering important information on the web that may or may not be accurate.
A recent search of the Fortune 100 CEOs for USA Today uncovered fascinating material on top executives. While much of the information is harmless, some can be damaging to careers and business. A search for Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, leads you to a 72-second video of him attempting to motivate the work force by wild gyrations and screaming on stage. Coined, “The Monkey Dance,” on the Net, there are multiple websites directing you to the “Original Monkey Boy Gyrations,” and a listing appears in the second line on Google.
There can also be a case of mistaken identity. Cynthia McKay, CEO of Le Gourmet Gift Basket, was surprised to learn that there is a British actress of the same name who has an established reputation in the porn industry. Kathy Peel, the CEO of Family Manager, found another namesake who won the Miss Plus American pageant for large sized women. Some CEO’s use their middle initial or full name to avoid confusion with others of the same name in a different industry.
Tracking exact numbers of surfers is difficult, yet according to the search engine Watch, there are 25 million to 50 million Internet searches each day using proper names. Many CEO’s either surf on a regular basis or have staff track web activity for their name through the use of a Google ad. While there is a cost involved in this, Google then e-mails reports about who is searching on that name.
Some CEO’s and businesses are also creating blogs on their websites where they can post fresh material that is quickly picked up by search engines. It makes it easier to control the top listings on the search engines by “blogging” the net with the material you want to appear.
Businesses often search on their name as this provides an easy way to discover potential problems, customer complaints or erroneous information. There then is an opportunity to challenge misinformation before it becomes widely dispersed on the web.
Here are some surfing strategies to help your career:
Surfing on a regular basis is more than just vanity; it gives you information. As playwright Thornton Wilder once said, “There’s nothing like eavesdropping to show you that the world outside your head is different from the world inside your head.”
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