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On the heels of my most recent Lunch & Learn Seminar entitled, “Enough Is Enough. How To Clear Your Clutter and Take Back Your Life!” let’s talk about decluttering for spring. It’s the perfect time to do fling open the windows, roll up your sleeves and clear the stuff out.
It takes deliberate action to make your life simpler and clutter free. You allowed your life to get cluttered and only you can change it. If you attended my recent seminar, you learned that in order to declutter, you have to be AWARE of where you clutter is coming from, be able to IDENTIFY what has value versus what doesn’t, and then take ACTION to eliminate those things that are no longer serving you.
Realize that the things in your life have NO inherent meaning, except the meaning YOU assign to them. When you emotionally detach from things, YOU get the power to choose what you’ll give meaning to and what you’ll let go. Once you have broken these emotional bonds that have a hold over you, you are in a place of choosing what is important to you, rather than just accepting that everything is important and repeating the cycle of acquiring and overwhelm.
Step One: Go through your home and really notice those things you’ve been ignoring, or that you fail to notice anymore. If something needs to be repaired, DECIDE whether you will or will not, but either way, make the choice. It is okay to tell yourself the truth about those old slacks that you have kept meaning to have repaired but didn’t. It’s okay to not want to bother fixing that broken appliance. Just tell yourself the truth, let it go, and get rid of those things that are giving you such guilt.
Step Two: Once you’ve made decisions on the broken things in your life, set up boxes labeled DONATE and TRASH. Go through your rooms choosing things that you can live without, that you don’t love, or that you never use. Box them up and really savor the feeling of lightness and clarity you create by unburdening yourself of these things. You’re on your way!
Step Three: Be brave and make the drop! Take the trash box to the dumpster. Heck, rent a whole dumpster if you need to. Take your donation box to your favorite shelter, church, Goodwill, or other organization. Face it… if you’re not using something, someone else would probably love to have it or really needs it. Don’t be stingy with your stuff. It was manufactured to give someone VALUE and if it’s not giving you value, let it go to someone who will use and appreciate it.
Only by saying NO to much of the things in your life, do you make room to say YES to the things you love, that have true meaning. Make a powerful stand this spring to take action against your clutter and let me know your results.
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