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Lucky you! What’s the problem? Choose the one that pays the most and move on, right?
If you don’t take time to evaluate the multiple job offers now, you could find yourself searching for a job again in no time.
Assess Your Wants and Needs
The first thing that you will want to do is to evaluate your needs and which of these offers fits your situation the best. Doing a comparison may be time well spent in the long run. Sometimes we are so flattered with an offer that we don’t take time to be practical and jump at the one that looks best on the surface. Taking the time to plan out a strategy to evaluate any offer is something that everyone should do
I’m going to suggest going through the following exercise to help you get perspective about the long term effects of your decision. .
This is a rather simple three-step exercise that you can do with a spreadsheet on your computer or with a pencil and paper.
Step One
Put together a sheet with the company names across the top.
Now, down the left side of the page list your values and needs. Pick out six or more things that are REALLY important to you in your job such as: salary, location, job satisfaction, respect, positive feedback, teamwork, etc.
As an example, if you have a family Balance will probably rank higher on your list than for a single person who doesn’t mind working extreme hours. So if balance is extremely important to you – rate it a “10”
Here are some examples of how to think through your values –
Security: Have you been laid off? Are you looking for a home with a solid company?
Balance: If you have a family or outside life, you may not be interested in working 60 hours a week. Rank the importance of job and your personal situation.
Job Satisfaction: You probably want to feel your work means something in the bigger picture, that you are contributing and making a difference.
Location: This goes hand-in-hand with balance. If you have to spend three to four hours a day commuting, it will mean time spent away from your interests or family. Telecommuting a couple of days a week may be a possibility.
Salary and Benefits: These are certainly important considerations but are they as important as some of the other values? You want to be paid what you are worth, but would you be willing to negotiate to get some of your other needs met?
Step Two
Under each company’s name assign a score from 1 to 10 ranking. If company X is offering the most money – you might want to give it a high value – if money is important to you. Your rankings will be based on what you know about the company and the details of the offer. For each of the values that is extremely important to you – rate it a 8, 9, or 10.
Step Three
Total up the columns. Now compare the scores.
The totals may reveal that although one of the companies offers more money, the risks are higher and the time away from your “life” may not be worth the extra dollars.
Your priorities will affect your decision. The decision will be about priorities and values – and where you are in your career and life.
There are always variables that cannot be predicted when accepting an offer, but using an analytical approach the decision can be more objective.
Making a bad decision can result in your being miserable and feeling unfulfilled, but unable to leave because you have only been in the job for a few months.
It’s always best to evaluate any offer, but if there is more than one offer on the table it is essential that you choose the one that is best for you and your lifestyle.
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