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A while ago, there was a very cute ad campaign for T.J, Maxx, where a group of several stylishly dressed women determined that their friend overspends on her wardrobe by shopping at the more expensive stores when in fact she could look just as great and save lots of money by simply shopping at T.J. Maxx. They ambushed her in a boutique, explaining to her that she needed to be stopped from overspending on her clothes and accessories.
There is truth in that commercial as it does not matter how much your clothes cost, nor how many clothes you own. What matters is how well the clothes suit you and allow you to have a wardrobe that provides you with many combinations for many occasions.
I found that commercial particularly amusing because I was recently hired to work with a woman who had been coaxed by her friends for years to stop wearing all black, all the time. My client decided that the time had come to make a change and even sent out an invitation to her friends to witness our consultation, which she titled her All Black Intervention.
Her closet really was filled with all black tops, pants, skirts, shoes and handbags. It seems that every time she would go shopping, she would fall into the habit of purchasing everything in, you guessed it, black! She is not alone in getting into the habit of buying the same thing over and over. Many men and women are drawn to what they are used to, even if it might not be their most flattering look or fit for themselves. It can also be very aging to always wear the same style, silhouette and color, year after year. In order to look younger and fashionable, it is important to update your look, keeping in mind what works best for you, not because a fashion magazine or TV stylist says so. By reinventing your look, by being objective and updating your wardrobe, makeup and/or your hairstyle, you won’t look and feel as though you are stuck in a time warp.
It is also very helpful for your business and personal life to present yourself in a more stylish and flattering manner. What better way to secure a new job, more business and contacts, than to look and feel put together and current. If you project the image of keeping up your appearance, you are also projecting to your existing and potential clients, friends and signi?cant other, that you know how to change with the times and adapt to various circumstances. This flexibility and creativity attracts positive changes to both your professional life and private life.
So the question you have to ask yourself is, “Do I need an intervention?” Have you been wearing your makeup the same way for over 10 years? The same color, hairstyle and or style of clothes? Why not gather a few of your friends and see where you can make some constructive changes? My client was very fortunate to have such a wonderful group of friends who wanted to support her in making a positive change, help her stop hiding in all black, and shine in color and variety
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