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Home » Posts tagged with » business networking

Make The Most Of The Holiday Season

Make The Most Of The Holiday Season

Five ways to shine without short-circuiting We all attend business events that are dressed up like social occasions. For some of us it’s the local Chamber of Commerce’s after-hours networking.…

Networking Into Your Target Company

Networking Into Your Target Company

Strategies for getting into your target company Should you key in on a specific company during your job search, or focus on a particular role or position within your industry?…

Why You Need Business Cards

Why You Need Business Cards

Business cards are a great little marketing tool Whenever I speak to a group of jobseekers the first question I ask is “How many of you have a resume?” Almost…

Business Networking Essentials

Business Networking Essentials

Five basics for successful business networking Summer is officially over, time to for the kids to go back to school and for the rest of us to get back to…