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Resume Bloopers

Resume Bloopers

Simply bad to truly bizarre resume blunders During your career your resume is one of your most important marketing tools. Your resume is often your first introduction to recruiters and…

Thinking Of Lying On Your Resume? Don’t.

Thinking Of Lying On Your Resume? Don’t.

Most employers won’t hire a candidate who lies according to CareerBuilder Most people fudge a little on their resumes. One of the most common things is to clump all the…

The Perfect Resume – Don’t Make These Mistakes

The Perfect Resume – Don’t Make These Mistakes

Ten resume mistakes you don’t want to make There are four basic steps to obtaining the perfect job: write your resume; send your resume to prospective employers; go on job…

Resume Not Getting Results? Here Are A Few Common Resume Pitfalls

Resume Not Getting Results? Here Are A Few Common Resume Pitfalls

Resume tips for experienced professionals and new grads These days, the job market is incredibly competitive. Former managers with decades of experience are having just as much trouble being offered…