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Home » Posts tagged with » resume tips

Does Your Executive Resume Generate Calls?

Does Your Executive Resume Generate Calls?

Early in your career a resume that proves you have experience may be enough to get you the job. Once you’ve reached the executive level, it’s not. Once you’re at…

How To Get Recruiters to Actually Read Your Resume

How To Get Recruiters to Actually Read Your Resume

You may think that a recruiter or hiring manager will read your resume from top to bottom as soon as they receive it. They won’t. You may also think that…

How To Stand Out From Your Competition

How To Stand Out From Your Competition

If you’re planning to look for a new job in the next 6 months, it’s time to start working on your resume. Now. Whether you’ve decided to write it yourself…

Employment History vs. Modern Resume

Employment History vs. Modern Resume

If you want to get an employer’s attention, don’t send them an employment history. Send them a results-driven, easy-to-scan resume. While many people think they are one and the same.…

Are You Making This Mistake With Your Resume?

Are You Making This Mistake With Your Resume?

The biggest resume mistake you don’t realize you’re making There are hundreds, if not thousands, of articles on resume do’s and don’ts. Make sure there are no misspelled words or…

Creating A Resume For An Internal Promotion

Creating A Resume For An Internal Promotion

Six ways to increase your chances of getting the job The only time most people think about their resume is when they’re looking for a new opportunity with a different…

Three Ways Your Resume Ages You

Three Ways Your Resume Ages You

How to keep your resume from making you look old Despite changing cultural attitudes about aging one constant remains: no one wants to appear older than they are. People may…

Four Strategies For A Winning Resume

Four Strategies For A Winning Resume

How to get recruiters and hiring managers to contact you Many people mistakenly think of a resume as a record of employment when they should be thinking of it as…

Optimizing Your Resume For An Internal Promotion

Optimizing Your Resume For An Internal Promotion

Nine ways to increase your chance of success While many people believe that the only time a resume is required is in support of an application for a position with…

The Perfect Resume – Don’t Make These Mistakes

The Perfect Resume – Don’t Make These Mistakes

Ten resume mistakes you don’t want to make There are four basic steps to obtaining the perfect job: write your resume; send your resume to prospective employers; go on job…

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