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Top Ten Productivity Killers

Top Ten Productivity Killers

Technology tops the list as the biggest time waster at work How many hours are employees actually working at work? Between texting friends, taking smoke breaks and checking social media…

Think A Little Negativity Won’t Hurt? Think Again.

Think A Little Negativity Won’t Hurt? Think Again.

Everyone expects to have recruiters and potential employers view their LinkedIn profile. But what you may not realize they are probably checking you out via a Google search as well.…

Will Your Online Presence Scare Employers Away?

Will Your Online Presence Scare Employers Away?

3 Ways to Protect Yourself Online Increasing numbers of recruiters and employers are conducting online searches on job candidates. In response, many job seekers are completing their LinkedIn profiles and…

Wondering Why Recruiters Don’t Call?

Wondering Why Recruiters Don’t Call?

Three reasons your LinkedIn profile isn’t generating recruiter calls While recruiters have different methods of sourcing candidates the one thing most of them will do is take a look at…

Five Ways To Get A Job Offer Using Social Media

Five Ways To Get A Job Offer Using Social Media

How you can make social media work for you It’s well known that people have been fired over posts on social media. It made national news when Gilbert Gottfried was…

Social Media Can Help You Get Hired

Social Media Can Help You Get Hired

CareerBuilder survey indicates employers are swayed by favorable findings online If you’re looking for a job your social media presence is fair game. Today 51 percent of employers are researching…

Staying Connected 24/7 Takes Its Toll

Staying Connected 24/7 Takes Its Toll

Why staying connected to the office 24/7 may not be a good thing Most of us are connected 24/7. We’re texting, emailing and checking our Facebook pages almost constantly. And…

Do You Make Snap Judgments?

Do You Make Snap Judgments?

Studies show that people judge you in less than a second You’ve heard the saying “You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression” but, what you might not…

Don’t Let Social Media Shut You Out

Don’t Let Social Media Shut You Out

How to use Social Media to attract potential employers To a great extent, you are who the Internet says you are. Today you can be sure that employers and recruiters…

Using LinkedIn For A Job Search

Using LinkedIn For A Job Search

Top LinkedIn tips from career experts If you’re gearing up for a job search, don’t forget to use LinkedIn. Most recruiters— and a wide range of other career experts—agree that…

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