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Thank you for your interest in being a guest contributor on career-intelligence.com. For over a decade we’ve been empowering our readers with information and advice to help them better manage their careers. We are eager to see what you have to offer our readers. You can learn about our guest posting program below.
How It Works
Step 1: Review the requirements below before submitting your post. (Each contributor gets one FREE guest post, after that, you will have to pay a publishing fee to post with us again.)
Step 2: Submit your post to arichmond@staging-careerintelligence.kinsta.cloud with Guest Post in the subject line
Step 3: If we approve your post we’ll let you know within seven business days. At that time, you’ll need to send us your social media links, (See details below)
Step 4: Once we have all your materials, we’ll set you up as a contributor and schedule your post to be published on career-intelligence.com. Your article may also be published in our weekly newsletter, The Career Intelligencer.
Step 5: Once your post has been published on career-intelligence.com, promote it through your social media channels and link to your article.
(However, DO NOT copy any of your articles in their entirety and post on another platform. This is considered “duplicate content” – something the search engines frown on and the SEO performance of both sites will suffer. Articles that appear in their entirety elsewhere on the web will be removed from career-intelligence.com.)
NOTE: To improve your chances of being published on career-intelligence.com, please review our existing content and make sure your post meets all of the requirements below.
Content Package Pricing
We offer ONE free guest contributor opportunity. If you would like to continue publishing your content on career-intelligence.com, you will have to pay a publishing fee.
Here’s more information on our pricing packages:
Once you have four articles on career-intelligence.com you will be eligible to be listed on our About Page as a Contributor
For more information, please email Annette Richmond arichmond@staging-careerintelligence.kinsta.cloud
If you’re thinking about contributing to career-intelligence.com, please spend some time on our site and read the following guidelines carefully. All articles will be reviewed by our executive editor. We reserve the right to reject any content that does not meet our requirements/standards.
General guidelines
How To Submit Your Post
External Links
Articles must fall into one of the following categories:
To improve the chances of your article making the cut please take some time reviewing our website.
We own the rights to the content sitting on our site. Which means, we can post the URL anywhere we want and share it/reuse it on career-intelligence.com as we see fit. We also ask that contributors not re-use the content in its entirety on other sites, as it is considered duplicate content by the search engines and will negatively impact our SEO. Giving your article to career-intelligence.com implies that it is the only place where this content will be published.
Note: We DO NOT participate in text-link advertising. All contributor posts must be original, educational in nature, and relevant to our audience. All external links must be approved by our editorial staff to ensure they are relevant to the article’s content.