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Federal Employment Laws Prohibiting Job Discrimination* The following Federal Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Laws prohibit job discrimination. These laws are enforced by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Title VII…
How to make criticism constructive not destructive Dealing with criticism can be tricky. Whether you’re on the giving or receiving end you’ll need to choose your words carefully. What you…
Don’t let your ego get in the way of making progress Why are we so hard on ourselves? Why is it whenever we try something new we think we must…
Luggage Tips To check or to carry on that’s the question. And each option has its advantages. Those who carryon may get out of the airport sooner. But those who…
Change how you dress for career success Can changing how you dress REALLY change your life? We see variations of the story often enough in the movies, in everything from…
Six career lessons learned from the London Olympics Even if you’re not a sports fan, it’s tough not to be captivated by the Olympics. Anticipating the inevitable upsets makes the…
Despite some inroads women still do not have an equal playing field It’s common knowledge that most women make less money than men. Unfortunately, this sometimes happens even when they…
Follow these simple rules to for stress free packing Pack toiletries, prescriptions and a change of clothes (at least a change of underwear) in a carryon bag or tote. If…
The most difficult part of business travel For many, the most difficult part of business traveler is being away from loved ones. Even the most supportive partner may balk when…