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How to succeed as a new supervisor or manager You’ve been a stellar team member, and now you’ve been tapped to take on your first management role. Whether you’re supervising…
How to promote yourself without bragging “Get out there and sell yourself.” “Toot your own horn.” “Develop your personal brand and let people know about it.” You often hear this…
Everything you need to know for a smooth escape and reentry Does this sound familiar? After looking forward to your vacation for weeks, you end up overscheduling, overdoing, and feeling…
How to handle being passed over for a promotion No one likes feeling overlooked, passed over, or rejected—particularly when it comes to an opportunity that you really wanted. Yet each…
Strategies for getting into your target company Should you key in on a specific company during your job search, or focus on a particular role or position within your industry?…
Looking for a new job when you’re already employed Workplace wisdom holds that it’s easier to get a job when you already have one. This may be true based on…
How to handle your nerves before and during a presentation When asked about our greatest fears, surveys often show public speaking at the top of the list—sometimes above fear of…
Six ways to say no to a new job or promotion You’ve gone through the interviews and gotten the job offer. Generally, congratulations would be in order. But what happens…
How your appearance may affect getting hired, getting promoted, and making more money We’d all like to believe that career success is strictly a result of talent, drive, and skill…