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Most job seekers dread being asked about their salary. Some are uncomfortable revealing personal information. Many are concerned that sharing their current salary will influence potential job offers. The truth…
How to try on a new company during the interview process Have you ever found yourself at work thinking, “Who are these people? I have nothing in common with them…
Nine interview blunders that could have been avoided There is no shortage of articles “how to succeed” in job interviews. You can find advice on how to answer tough questions,…
Six ways to combat age discrimination One of the issues often raised when a group of jobseekers gets together is the question of age discrimination. Recently I was invited to…
While some topics warrant in-depth, sometimes an easy-to-follow quick list does the trick. Here are 10 job search basics that actually work. 1 Make a list of your target employers…
CareerBuilder study indicates that job-hopping is becoming more acceptable Not long ago being seen as a job-hopper was the kiss of death. But, it seems that times and employer views,…
How to ace your phone and Skype interviews The goal of every jobseeker is to get in front of a potential employer. To have the opportunity to sit down and…
How to fireproof your bridges and make a smooth exit After the stressful process of looking for a new job while you’re still employed, accepting an offer is a huge…
There are a lot of things you should do before you begin a job search. Redo your resume. Work on your LinkedIn profile. Create a list of target employers. Research…