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Do you accept the first salary offered or do you negotiate? In my 9 to 5 years, working for small firms, nonprofits, and international corporations, I always accepted the first…
Most job seekers dread being asked about their salary. Some are uncomfortable revealing personal information. Many are concerned that sharing their current salary will influence potential job offers. The truth…
How to respond to the inevitable question about salary Salary discussions may be the trickiest part of the job search process. One of the reasons talking salary causes anxiety for…
How to negotiate successfully when it doesn’t come naturally Whether you want a higher starting salary or a promotion or even a raise you’ll get better results if you’re a…
How to handle the tricky subject of salary Even though you may have gone through a phone screening that involved answering questions about salary, the subject may come again as…
Navigating the tricky topic of salary during the interview process Starting salary is critical to a job seeker’s current and future well-being. Not only does it influence day-to-day life, it…
The Finer Points of Salary Negotiations This is the moment you’ve been waiting for — the job offer! After months of research, studying the job market, hours of introspection and…
Make Sure You Are the Winner at Your Next Job Interview One step forward; one step back; step together, and back again. To perform the job interview salary negotiation dance…
How to negotiate a better overall compensation package When evaluating a job offer, it is easy to zero in on the starting salary. Yet while it’s important to land the…
The pros and cons of accepting a counter offer In a flagging economy it seems there are 50 applicants for every one job. Because of this, it can be tempting…