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After a tough winter, summer is finally here. Vacationers back up traffic for miles and sometimes there’s even a line at the beach. Time to sit back, enjoy the warm weather, and chill.
Not so fast.
Tempting as it may be, if you’re looking for a new job, this is not the time to slack off.
A decade ago, most people thought summer was not a good time to look for a job. In some respects, they were right. But, things are much different today. While recruiters and hiring managers may be taking long weekends, even week-long vacations, in our 24/7 world of work no one is ever really out of the office.
That means it’s not the time to kick back and wait for September. Here are four ways to keep your job search moving this summer.
Keep Networking
Although formal business networking slows down as many industry organizations are on hiatus until fall, there are plenty of hidden opportunities. Carry your business cards (you have those right?) with you everywhere you go. Tuck some in your jeans before going to the family BBQ. Pack a few in your beach bag too. You never know, your friends new date may work at your target company.
Learn Something New
One of the reasons employers prefer already employed candidates is because they are concerned about stale skills. Summer is a great time to expand your knowledge at your local community college. Many offer inexpensive courses where you can learn everything from Quick Books to Microsoft Office. Taking a course or two can also help fill in those gaps in your resume.
Update Your Resume
Speaking of resumes, if you haven’t updated yours in the last six months now is the time. If a job opportunity does present itself, you want to be ready. You don’t want to spend the weekend scrambling to put together a winning resume. Should you need professional help, it’s unlikely you’ll find a resume writer willing to give up his or her weekend to write your resume either.
Don’t Stop Looking
When it feels like everything is going right during the interview process, it’s easy to be lulled into thinking it’s a sure thing. Don’t. Never stop your job search until you have a written, job offer. In. Your. Hand. You may be the one in the top two who doesn’t get the job. The position may be reevaluated and tabled before anyone is hired.
Monitor the websites of your target employers for new job postings. Try to network your way into the company. You’ll have a better chance if you can get your resume in front of the hiring manager.
Despite all the temptations don’t take the summer off from your job search. Yes, enjoy spending Saturday afternoon at the beach with your friends, after you work on your resume in the morning. Go to the local food festival just remember to tuck a few business cards into your shorts.
Don’t resent the time you spend working on your LinkedIn profile or learning a new skill while your friends are playing golf or at the shore. Just keep swimming. The fact that most people neglect their job search in the summer is great for people like you who don’t
If you’d like to work with Annette Richmond, a certified resume writer, LinkedIn Profile writer, and career consultant, please visit career-intelligence Resume Writing & Career Services to schedule an introductory call to discuss your needs.
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