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Home » Posts tagged with » job loss

Feeling Like You Might Be Let Go?

Feeling Like You Might Be Let Go?

Six ways  to keep your job On the CBS television show Survivor contestants are placed in the in the tricky situation of working together for mutual gain while competing for…

Unemployment Top Problem In The U.S.

Unemployment Top Problem In The U.S.

Unemployment edges out the economy as the top problem for Americans Unemployment is the Number 1 problem facing Americans today. Nearly one in four Americans rank jobs and unemployment as…

Out Of Work Adult Children Often Live With Parents

Out Of Work Adult Children Often Live With Parents

Job status is one of the biggest predictors of adult children living at home says Gallup Moving out of the family home after graduating from college used to be the…

Where Where You When The Lights Went Out?

Where Where You When The Lights Went Out?

Make sure you’re ready for the unexpected in your career Where were you when the lights went out? We lose power fairly often in Fairfield County. Usually, it’s only a…

Job Cuts – Layoffs – Fired – Are You Losing Your Job?

Job Cuts – Layoffs – Fired – Are You Losing Your Job?

The best way to handle interviews after losing your job If you’ve lost your job — or are going to lose your job — the last thing that you want…

Don’t Get Caught With Your Social Media Down

Don’t Get Caught With Your Social Media Down

Five social media platforms that can impact your career It can’t be denied that social media can have a big impact on someone’s career.  There are frequent reports about someone…

Career Suicide By Social Media

Career Suicide By Social Media

How social media can wreak havoc on your career To a great extent, you are who the Internet says you are. Your online presence is your virtual calling card, particularly,…

Ready For The Balance Beam?

Ready For The Balance Beam?

How to be ready for unexpected change in your career Success in your career usually means having the abilities of a gymnast — flexibility, strength, focus and skill, heightened by…