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How To Get Recruiters to Actually Read Your Resume

How To Get Recruiters to Actually Read Your Resume

You may think that a recruiter or hiring manager will read your resume from top to bottom as soon as they receive it. They won’t. You may also think that…

Resume Bloopers

Resume Bloopers

Simply bad to truly bizarre resume blunders During your career your resume is one of your most important marketing tools. Your resume is often your first introduction to recruiters and…

Are You Making This Mistake With Your Resume?

Are You Making This Mistake With Your Resume?

The biggest resume mistake you don’t realize you’re making There are hundreds, if not thousands, of articles on resume do’s and don’ts. Make sure there are no misspelled words or…

Creating A Resume For An Internal Promotion

Creating A Resume For An Internal Promotion

Six ways to increase your chances of getting the job The only time most people think about their resume is when they’re looking for a new opportunity with a different…

Job Search Stalled?

Job Search Stalled?

Five job search tactics that work Finding a new job isn’t easy. If it were no one would keep working for a boss they don’t like. But there are things…

Four Strategies For A Winning Resume

Four Strategies For A Winning Resume

How to get recruiters and hiring managers to contact you Many people mistakenly think of a resume as a record of employment when they should be thinking of it as…

Spent Any Time Out Of Work?

Spent Any Time Out Of Work?

How to explain gaps in your resume It’s harder than ever to have a perfect work history these days. Less loyalty from employees and employers alike has resulted in increased…

Optimizing Your Resume For An Internal Promotion

Optimizing Your Resume For An Internal Promotion

Nine ways to increase your chance of success While many people believe that the only time a resume is required is in support of an application for a position with…

The Write Stuff – Better Business Writing

The Write Stuff – Better Business Writing

20 ways to make your business correspondence more professional Before you spend an hour composing a cover letter, spend ten minutes reading through this section. These tips are designed to…

Creating An In Transition Resume

Creating An In Transition Resume

How to enhance your marketability when you’ve been unemployed Involuntary career breaks, or dare we say it, “unemployment”, can often be a frightening situation for anyone to be in. After…

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