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U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics Updates

U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics Updates

Employment situation summary for February 2021 According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics employment situation summary released March 5, 2021, the unemployment rate remained essentially unchanged at 6.2% in…

No Thank You Might Not Mean Never

No Thank You Might Not Mean Never

What to do when you don’t get the job – it starts with being proactive It’s always disheartening when you don’t get the job. Particularly if it was your dream…

Summer Job Search Tips

Summer Job Search Tips

Four ways to kick up your job search this summer After a tough winter, summer is finally here. Vacationers back up traffic for miles and sometimes there’s even a line…

How To Reject A Job Offer Or Promotion—Gracefully

How To Reject A Job Offer Or Promotion—Gracefully

Six ways to say no to a new job or promotion You’ve gone through the interviews and gotten the job offer. Generally, congratulations would be in order. But what happens…

Are You Where The Jobs Are?

Are You Where The Jobs Are?

The best and worst places for job creation according to Gallup Where’s the best place to find a job? It might just be where the most jobs are created. When…

Six Reasons Why Recruiters Don’t Call You

Six Reasons Why Recruiters Don’t Call You

There are countless reasons why recruiters don’t call, here are six common ones Looking for a job is a job. It’s time-consuming and often frustrating. You can spend weeks or…

Using LinkedIn For A Job Search

Using LinkedIn For A Job Search

Top LinkedIn tips from career experts If you’re gearing up for a job search, don’t forget to use LinkedIn. Most recruiters— and a wide range of other career experts—agree that…

Getting Hired By Google

Getting Hired By Google

It’s not only about your G.P.A. when it comes to getting hired by Google While some companies, like the big four accounting firms (KPMG, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Deloitte and Ernst & Young)…

How To Find A Job You’ll Enjoy

How To Find A Job You’ll Enjoy

Assessing your interests can help you plan your career Do you want to have a job you enjoy? Well, examining your interests may be the key. Because if you like…

Self Assessment To Go

Self Assessment To Go

Trying to decide which career is right for you? Ask yourself these questions. Choosing a career is a big decision. A decision that should involve more than thumbing through a…