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Home » Posts tagged with » women getting ahead

“Ignore The Negativity” When Breaking Into A Male-Dominated Field

“Ignore The Negativity” When Breaking Into A Male-Dominated Field

Interview with Tamara Holder legal/political analyst for FOX Despite the progress that women have made, breaking into a male-dominated field is still tough going. Getting ahead is tougher. High-profile success…

Five Aptitudes For Female Business Success

Five Aptitudes For Female Business Success

How to build on your natural strengths Ever since a certain assertive female decided she wanted to eat from a certain forbidden tree, influential women have been loved, hated, glorified,…

Excerpt: The New Success Rules For Women

Excerpt: The New Success Rules For Women

Three ways women can get ahead in the workplace Self-promote gracefully Self-promotion is a vital facet of communication because it’s the area in which you convey to others your capabilities…